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GFMT (Burton et al 2010) is a face perception task to test the ability to tell two faces are the same person
A modified version of the Gender-Science IAT in French that includes a Gender-Fair Language Condition
First psychopy experiment
This IAT is availible to the public for use.
After forking, please review the algorithm for determining IAT scores prior to unveiling the IAT to your participants. IAT scores are calculated in the code component of the Last_Block.
Note, this is designed to be both intuitive and easy to alter for your own purposes. Use wisely.
The Algorithm is based of Greenwalk, Nosek, and Banaji (2003).
Those with questions can contact lirivera@wisc.edu Copyright 2019, Laur Rivera, All rights reserved.
The Simple Reaction Time Task (Deary & Liewald, 2011)
rating slider first iteration
The Attention Network Task (Fan et al., 2002).
The classic Stroop task.
In this task participants are required to observe list of colours and then serially recall those colours by selecting their response on a colour wheel. This experiment is based on Peteranderl & Oberauer (2018) experiment.
The Eriksen (1974) flanker task shows the effects of incongruent flanker stimuli on perception of a central target
Participants rate to what degree repeated sounds are perceived as music.