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This project is a 3rd year empirical research project to test correlation between Implicit motives and healthy eating.
In this task participants are required to observe grey square flash on the screen and only make a response if the square is presented at the top. This experiment is based on Greenberg & Waldman (1993) Test of Varaiable Attention.
In this task participants are required to memorise a sequence of square locations. Square position presentation is interrupted by symmetry trails. In symmetry trials participants are required to judge whether the presented picture is vertically symmetrical. Square presentation and symmetry trials are repeated until participants are asked to recall all square locations in sequential order. This experiment is based on Kane et al. (2004) experiment.
In this task partcipants are required to sort the presented stimuli based on shape, while ignoring the position of the stimuli. This experiment is based on Huettel & McCarthy (2004) experiment.
The numerical Stroop (Henik and Tzelgov, 1982).
A survey to accompany the MMI task.
Study information This study is being conducted for the module English Dissertation: Full year in the School of English at the University of Nottingham in order to gain a greater understanding of language processing in the human mind.
In this task participants are required to press either left or right arrow key depending on which way the fish in centre is facing. Participants are required to ignore the direction of the surrounding fish. This is a children version of Flanker Task based on M. Rosario Rueda et al. (2004).
Cognition test (relashionship between sounds and expressions)
Sixty sentences with transposed letters and post-trial "Yes or No" responses. Basic demo information and informed consent for data usage.
In this task, participants are required to judge whether a string of letters is a word or a non-word. This experiment is based on Meyer & Schvaneveldt (1971) experiment.
Test d'intelligence composé de deux exercices. Chaque exercice contient 15 items, précédés de 2 pratiques.
动态表情知觉 By Emma Fang