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In this task participants are required to sort the presented cards based on a rule. The rule is unknown to the participants, however they receive feedback whether their answer was correct. The rule changes after certain amount of trials. This experiment is based on Grant & Berg (1948) experiment.
A simple demo of audiovisual temporal adaptation. Participants are presented with sets of flash-beep pairs. In the adaptation block participants passively watch the stimuli. In the respond block participants judge if the beep or flash was presented first.
Sensory adaptation occurs when participants judgements are shifted by a period of training (e.g. first presenting stimuli with an audio-lead lag may later bias participants to respond that they heard the beep first)
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A learning task based on the reinforcement learning model. The current version is based on the paper by Frank, Woroch and Curran. (2005). Neuron, 47(4), 495-501.
n-Back Alpha 4
In this task participants are required to press either left or right arrow key depending on which way the fish in centre is facing. Participants are required to ignore the direction of the surrounding fish. This is a children version of Flanker Task based on M. Rosario Rueda et al. (2004).
Sustained Attention to Response Task
In this task participants are required to memorise and recall number series in order. Participants start out with three 3-digit sequences. If participants correctly recall 2 out of 3 three sequences, they progress to 4-digit sequence trials and so on. If participants respond incorrectly on 2/3 trials the experiment terminantes. This experiment is based on the original digit span experiment by Jacobs (1887).
Please Cite: Bölling, L., 2022-01-14. HTML Instructions for Online-Experiments in PsychoPy [Computer software]. Pavlovia. https://gitlab.pavlovia.org/luke.boelling/htmlinstructionsdemo.