Commit 136eca59 authored by Ella Moeck's avatar Ella Moeck

add index.html

parent c839b4f3
......@@ -1195,16 +1195,16 @@ var welcome2 = {
' <b>Source of funding</b><br>This research has been funded by a fellowship from the Australian Research Council awarded to Dr Nicole Thomas. <br><br>' +
' <b>Consenting to participate in the project and withdrawing from the research</b><br>' +
' By providing consent, you consent to participate in all elements of the study outlined in this explanatory statement. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and you are free to withdraw from this study at any time without explanation or penalty. If you wish, it is possible to withdraw your data from the experiment following participation.<br><br>' +
' <b>Possible benefits and risks to participants</b><br>No discomforts or inconveniences besides some boredom are reasonably expected. There is no direct benefit to you for agreeing to be involved in the study. Participation will provide you with a greater understanding of what is involved in a psychology research study. You will also receive monetary reimbursement for your time. We anticipate few risks from being involved in this study. <b>Individuals who suffer from photosensitive epilepsy or headaches from intense stimulation should not participate, due to the fast speed at which the images are presented.</b> Some participants could experience emotional discomfort when answering personal questions per the questionnaires<br><br>' +
' <b>Possible benefits and risks to participants</b><br>No discomforts or inconveniences besides some boredom are reasonably expected. There is no direct benefit to you for agreeing to be involved in the study. Participation will provide you with a greater understanding of what is involved in a psychology research study. You will also receive monetary reimbursement for your time. We anticipate few risks from being involved in this study. <b>Individuals who suffer from photosensitive epilepsy or headaches from intense stimulation should not participate, due to the fast speed at which the images are presented.</b> Some participants could experience emotional discomfort when answering personal questions per the questionnaires.<br><br>' +
' <b>Services on offer if adversely affected</b><br>In the event of any problems resulting from participation in the study, free psychological support and advice is available. For help in the USA please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Ph. 1800 273 8255), which is a 24-hour phone counselling service or call 1877 726 4727 for information on mental health treatment services. If you have any concerns regarding anticipated or actual risks or discomforts, please raise them with the researcher.<br><br>' +
' <b>Payment</b><br>' +
' As stated on the Amazon Mechanical Turk page, you will receive <b>' + welcome.task.payS1 + '</b> for completing this HIT. <br><br>' +
' As stated on the Amazon Mechanical Turk page, you will receive $4 <b>' + + '</b> for completing this HIT. <br><br>' +
' <b>Confidentiality</b><br>' +
' Your responses and contact details will be strictly confidential. The data from the study will be used in research publications and reports, including journal articles, conference presentations, honours theses, and will be uploaded onto the Open Science Framework in a de-identified form. You will not be identified in any way in these publications.<br><br>' +
' <b>Storage of data</b><br>' +
' All data are stored on secure servers that are operated by Monash University. If your data are used in a published paper, no one will be able to identify you individually, but these data are put onto an online repository.<br><br>' +
' <b>Results</b><br>' +
' Results will be available one data collection has been completed. If you are interested in learning the outcomes of the study, please let the researcher know. You will then be informed of the results via email following the completion of the study.<br><br>' +
' Results will be available once data collection has been completed. If you are interested in learning the outcomes of the study, please let the researcher know. You will then be informed of the results via email following the completion of the study.<br><br>' +
' <b>Inquiries and Complaints</b><br>' +
' If you would like further information regarding any aspect of this project, you are encouraged to contact Dr Nicole Thomas (+61 3 9905 3938, email Should you have any concerns or complaints about the conduct of the project, you are welcome to contact the Executive Officer, Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee (MUHREC) via phone or email (+61 3 9905 2052,<br><br> ' +
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