The Balloon Analogue Risk Task

The Balloon Analogue Risk Task

Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART)

The experiment: ——

This is a simplified (and prettified) version of the BART task by Lejuez et al (2002). Participants have to blow up a balloon that they know will burst at some point. They ‘earn’ rewards for getting the balloons to be larger, but increase the risk of bursting it, in which case they earn no reward for that balloon. The question is, how many times does someone pump each balloon trying to optimise their rewards.

The measure is designed to quantify individual differences in risk-taking.

Analysing your data: ——

You should filter out data where the balloon burst and measure the number of pumps made for the remaining trials.

Notes: ——

WARNING: This is an advanced demo involving lots of code components

This can be extended to be more similar to the original paper by adding further colours of balloons with different bursting profiles.

Forked from Vinicius Betzel Koehler / The Balloon Analogue Risk Task